EMPIRE Wrestling
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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  Onibob Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:30 am

EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran
EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empire1

LIVE! From The Haymarket Arena in Lincoln, NE!
-Tonight's Card-

Westley McGreggor Vs. Orgullo

Molly Blake Vs. Richard Head

(P)Rick Ulysess Samson Sanderson Vs. Ken Richardson, M.D.

Eric Blackwater Vs. "Easy" Eddie Chamberlain

Main Event:
Itachi Kobayoshi Vs. Pepe Moran

PROMO AND TRASH-TALK ONLY until Wednesday, August 4 at 11:59pm EST. PROMO AND VOTING FOR PROMO & TRASH-TALK until Friday, August 6 at 11:59pm EST


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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  DM Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:45 pm

A cartoon of a black and purple bat with a cigarette in it's mouth appears on screen. A female voice rings out ...

“I warned the world that one day I'd be coming back and you all doubted me!”

The bat flickers off the screen and the words THE HARDKORE BITCH IS COMING BACK slowly crawl across.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

A black and purple Mitsubishi Evo 8 pulls into a parking lot outside The Oracle Shopping Centre in Reading, England. Two young woman get out of the car; both wearing black jeans and platform boots, one wearing a blue cami top and the other wearing a purple one. They turn around and we see it's Molly Blake and her twin sister Katlin.

Woman in blue (Katlin): I still don't understand why you're doing this.

The woman in the purple top (Molly) opens the rear passenger door and reaches inside so her answer is muffled.


Molly stands back up holding a 2-year-old girl in her arms. The toddler is wearing a mini version of Molly and Katlin's outfits but with a red t-shirt on.

Molly: I said, I'm doing it for the money.

Katlin takes a step forward and places her hands over the little girl's ears.

Katlin: Bullshit Molly! You don't need the money. Grandpa and Daddy left us more than we could ever need when they died.

She takes her hands away from the girl's ears and steps back.

Katlin: I know why you're doing this … You just crave the attention! You wanna be back out there to know that everybody's watching you! You've got vain!

Molly: No I haven't! I … I've just missed competing.

Katlin: But why? I thought you were enjoying the fact you could spend more time with Aliana and being able to go back to college and do your degree.

Molly: I was, until I realised that I'm not one of these people who can sit around all day behind a desk. I need to be active. I need to be up doing stuff.

Katlin: And getting back in the ring is your idea of doing stuff?

Molly: Yes.

Molly moves the toddler (her daughter Aliana) onto her hip and starts to walk across the parking lot. Katlin stays where she is, shaking her head at her twin.

Katlin: You're insane!

Molly: You only just worked that out sis?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

A few days later we find Molly sat on a ring apron in the Rivermead Centre in Reading, England after one of her recent training sessions. Sat next to her is her long-time friend, and reporter for the UK-based Fighting Spirit Magazine, Phil Austin.

Phil: Thanks for agreeing to do this Molly. I know you're busy getting ready for your big return.

Molly: Any time Phil.

Phil: Well it's just gonna be the usual stuff, nothing fancy, just giving your fans an update.

Molly: Sure, no worries.

Phil: OK, I'll just turn this on and we can get started. I've gotta do a little intro bit to do first though.

Phil makes sure he has his notebook of questions ready and pushes record on his tape recorder as Molly takes a sip from a water bottle in her hands.

Phil: Eight months ago fans of UK wrestling despaired at the humiliating firing and retirement of one of the UK's top women's wrestlers “Vampire” Molly Blake. However a few weeks ago Molly made her surprise return to the wrestling business by signing with new US company, EMPIRE. I met up with Molly after a training session in Reading, Berkshire, before her big return match.

Phil presses pause and smiles at Molly.

Phil: Ready?

Molly: Bring it on.

Phil unpauses the recorder.

Phil: Firstly Molly, it's great to see you again. Did you ever think you'd be back in a ring again?

Molly: For a while no. I honestly believed that I was going to stick to my word and never step back in the ring … but well it didn't last long.

Phil: Do you think the way TCW handled your request to leave the company affected your decision to leave wrestling in the first place?

Molly: Absolutely. I'd originally gone to the Co-Owners asking for time to heal from injuries and instead they took it upon themselves to humiliate me on live TV and then fire me. After being treated like that I think a lot of people would have second thoughts about joining another company.

Phil: Well during the past 8 months a number of rumours about your whereabouts surfaced, were any of them true?

Molly: Not a single one.

Phil: So where have you been for the last 8 months?

Molly: I've been back here in Reading spending time with my daughter and I went back to college and completed my law degree.

Phil: Excellent. So now the big question, why have you chose to make your return to wrestling in the US instead of here in the UK?

Molly: It wasn't a choice of the US over the UK, OK. It was more the fact that they're a young upstart company looking to make a name for themselves, so I want to be able to help them get a great start.

Phil: You're first match is in a few days, so are you worried about any ring rust you might've got during your time away?

Molly: I was, but I've had about a month now training here and after I fly out to the States tonight, I'll be straight in a gym again making sure I've shaken it all off.

Phil: How do you think the fans will react to your return?

Molly: Hopefully they'll be glad that I'm back and will support me like they used to.

Phil: Will you be returning as Vampire Molly or do you have something new planned?

Molly: Well elements of the old Vampire Molly will still be there, but I'm gonna try and be more like the real me instead of the over gimmicky version that I used to be.

Phil: That being said, how do you think you'll fair against guys that you've never faced before? Will it be daunting for you because you don't know what to expect from them, or won't that be a factor?

Molly: I think in a way it could be a factor coz like you said I don't know what to expect from these guys, but I've never let that sort of thing affect me in the past and I don't intend to let it now.

Phil: Do you know much about the guys in the company?

Molly: Not yet, but as time goes on I'm sure I will.

Phil: Do you think that EMPIRE could become a major company in the future?

Molly: I think right now it's too early to say but I think we'd all like it to eventually.

Phil: Well thanks for your time Molly and good luck with your big return.

Molly: Thanks a lot Phil.

Phil turns off the tape recorder.

Phil: Thanks for that. Sorry if it was a bit boring.

Molly: Nah it was fine. It could've been worse. You coming out to see it?

Phil: Yeah. I'm covering it for the mag.

Molly: Excellent.

The two shake hands and Phil starts to pack away his stuff.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

We're outside The Haymarket Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska just as the sun is setting. Molly is stood looking at one of the event posters.

Molly: Sure I was all smiles and laughter for that interview, but now I'm here I'm all business. One by one you boys will fall at my feet … and I will prove that I am better than you!


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Join date : 2010-07-19
Age : 41
Location : Reading, UK

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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  Monroe Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:07 pm

San Antonio 1990…………………………………

The sounds of a woman giving birth are heard in the background. Nurses and a doctor are gathered in the basement of a house that helps Illegal Immigrants with medical work, and documentation for Illegal Aliens to become nationalized.

Rosa and Jose’ snuck across the border a few weeks ago, in Mexico they have nothing right now in the U.S they have even less. They came here to give birth to their third son to try to give him a life better than the one they have in Mexico. Their friend Miguel is going to legally take custody of the child and bring him up in the world of Professional Wrestling,

Miguel is a small know wrestling promoter and manager. While he isn’t exactly big time in the United States like WWF in the North or WCW based out of Georgia, he does have a house for young Orgullo and is able to provide for him. At the very least Rosa and Jose’ know Orgullo will have a better life than the one they can provide.

More screams of labor are heard in the background as sweat beads form on Rosa’s head. Even though this is her third child the birthing process hasn’t gotten any better. She decided to do it different with this child. Her other two sons her born while she took various medications to numb herself from the pains, both those sons are now dead. They fell quickly into gang life and drugs by the age of 14. Rosa hopes that Orgullo won’t fall victim to the same vices here in America.

More screams as the doctor shouts about the cord being wrapped around the babies’ neck. The nurses prep for an emergency C-Section. The share worried glances as this place is no hospital. Rosa and Jose’ have already stated that Orgullo is the priority no matter what; Rosa wants her son to live a healthy life and become something great.

The doctor slices open Rosa stomach in the standard C-Section area. Rosa grimaces in pain a little, but within seconds a baby boy named *********** AKA Orgullo is brought into the world. The nurses take control of little Orgullo. While the doctor tries to stitch up Rosa, but the bleeding is real bad. She is losing more blood by the second and growing weaker by the minute. She grabs her Husband and gently kisses him and says her good bye. The nurses bring little Orgullo to his mother who holds him gently in her arms, kisses him on the forehead and falls asleep for the last time with a smile on her face.

1998 Houston Texas The night of Summer Slam……………………………………………..

An 8 year old Orgullo and Miguel sit back and watch WWF Summer Slam.

Orgullo: The Rock is awesome!!!

Miguel: You can learn something by watching The Rock, the guy is a natural talker but if you look at actual wrestling skill he is horrible.

Orgullo: He is great I like him more than Mankind or Stone Cold.

Miguel: This just goes to show you boy, If you can work a mic and a crowd you can go places in this business let that be lesson one in your training.

Orgullo: Lesson 1, am I going to be a wrestler?

Miguel: That depends on you, I have the mind to help you get where you need to. But you need to have the desire, the will to get yourself there. The question is do you want to be a Pro Wrestler?

Orgullo: I think so, I mean yes. I want to be just like The Rock!

Miguel: Your parents would be proud of you for chasing your dreams. First thing is first, I expect you to be smart so you must get passing grades in school. Second, in wrestling you don’t want to be like anyone, you want to develop your own identity.

Present Day……………………………………………………………………

Orgullo wakes up on a Train going to Oklahoma for a show in a new upstart promotion called Empire
Wrestling. He has a smile on his face after reflecting on the memory of Miguel and his decision to become a pro wrestler.

Found memories was he had left of Miguel these days, Miguel had a massive stroke a few weeks back and now Orgullo was alone in the world. With no friends or mentors in the wrestling business Orgullo was going to have to make his dreams happen for Miguel who trained him hard for the past 6 years and to his mother Rosa who gave her life for him.

2 Months ago……………………………………………………..

Miguel: ***** my time has come; it is now your time. You must choose a name.

Orgullo: I choose Orgullo.

Miguel: You choose wisely that is a proud name and honorable name. I have one last lesson for you.
He hands Orgullo a box which he opens in it is his identity his mask.

Miguel: This mask represents who you are and who you will become. It is your life, without it you are nothing, with you can become anything. Guard it at all times keep it as a reminder of everything you have been through.

With a tear in his eye, Orgullo hugs Miguel as he takes his last breathes in this world.

Present Day……………………………………………………………………

Orgullo opens eyes again this time a small tear is in his eyes as the train begins to slow down. When the train stops he realizes exactly how hot it is in Oklahoma in the middle of July. Over the course of his young life Orgullo has learned English and Spanish. So the language barrier some have he does not. He wears his mask everywhere; some outside the wrestling world don’t understand why someone would wear a mask. Those inside understand that the mask is an identity.

Orgullo gets off the train, this is his first time in Oklahoma, his very first wrestling show. His very first match in an organization that is having its very first show, it is a very long way from WWE where wants to be. But everyone has to start somewhere.

Orgullo: Sir, could you direct me to the nearest ummmm,, Hotel is the word I belive.

Train Rider: My God Son, are you from Mexico? Why do you wear that mask? Is your face disfigured, are
you as ugly as sin.

Orgullo just ducks his head and plods forward he isn’t going to find any help here. He jumps into a cab and just goes to the arena and stays at the nearest hotel. Being new in Empire Orgullo best hope is to find someone anyone to befriend him. Someone to travel up and down the road again, he wants a pal and confidant. And if he were to throw a party he would see that the biggest give would be from them and he would say thank you for being a friend.

Orgullo has heard that from somewhere when he was younger. He gets to the arena scopes it out a bit and stays at a bed and breakfast next store. He eats his meals and takes his vitamins and falls into a restless sleep in anticipation for the biggest day of his life.

Westley, I don’t know anything about you. Your past, your training, weak spots, strengths I am walking into this match blind. You seem to like horns and TV. I never watched a lot of TV after the age of 11, I was too busy in the gym learning from my mentor. My mentor was a great man; my mentor is also no longer with us. I am a stranger here no friends, no family, no allegiance. Westley what do you stand for besides self promotion? Is there a greater purpose in your life, do you have goals? What are you in the wrestling business for? I am here to begin a career; I am here to prove that I am the best in that ring. I will sweat and I will bleed for Empire Wrestling. I am here to be loyal to the company that gave me my shot to make it in this business. I will give everything I have to win this match; I will leave it in the ring. If after our match if you have taken everything I can dish out, if your hand is raised I will gladly shake it and admit you were the better man on this night.

Getting a company off the ground isn’t about just one persons claim to fame Westley. It is about all of us going out there and dying for Empire Wrestling. Going out there and dying for the fans. My mentor taught me a few things here and there and something I want to remind you. These fans are poor, middle to low working class in the United States they don’t make a lot of money. Some do everything they can to make their kids happy. In most cases like the WWE they pay serious dollars to go see a show. If you don’t go out there and give your all, all of the time the fans will never respect you. You see Westley that is my mindset; I go out there and give my all every single match. If I don’t the fans won’t respect me, my competitor s won’t respect me, and I will never respect myself. I know this is our first match here and I have nothing against you, let’s just go out there put on one hell of a show.


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Join date : 2010-07-04

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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  EB4 Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:55 pm


So apparently I've been asked to do a promo about how or why I should win this matchup against "Easy" Eddie Chamberlain. I've seen how a few of these work and don't worry, I'm not going to recount a past mission and somehow relate it to my opponent. I'm not going to say I've met the lad before and I've been investigating him ever since. I'm going to merely say what needs to be said and that in itself is too much talking.

Now, what is a promo? Well it could be short for "Promotion", one of the four aspects of marketing, but something tells me it's a televised interview designed to explain to you all just exactly who I am, what makes me tick. It will also advance a feud of sorts I believe.

Well, I'm not feuding with anyone and have little desire to. I'm not being televised so you can't see who I am, and I am far too smart to let you know what goes on inside my mind. With that said, I've pretty much stripped away all of the meaning of this promo. Now all we're left with are words. Which is all a promo is...


Words can make you seem smart. Words can make you seem 'deep'. But Words to me, are largely useless. They are useless because they lack action and I have always felt that words mean nothing without action to accompany them, yet action means something even when words are nowhere to be found with them. I personally am a man of action when I need to be. Otherwise, I just observe. I watch, and I learn. It's an acquired skill I picked up in a past life. See, people need not talk unless they are knowledgeable on the subject of which they speak. I am not a wrestler and I know this, so I won't speak much of it. All the time you people have spent talking and clucking incessantly, I've spent observing, listening, analyzing.

I've learned that some people are nothing more than feminists that need to get laid.

I've observed that beauty and self-praising can't get you a match, and thus you'll be broke.

I've analyzed the speakings of a doctor and found that in all, he might just need a hug.

But none of these people are my focus. Eddie Chamberlain is. And he's got a mouth on him. Yet, I know that he speaks only when needed. And that's nice. Unfortunately... I've picked up his vocal inflection. I've observed his confidence and now, I know him.

This 'match' or whatever it is called will be nothing more than a field experience for me, and by the time the dust settles, I'll know more about him than he knew of himself. That's why I don't like words. They're a waste of time, and all the time spent talking could be spent doing things, such as winning which to my knowledge, is something I am supposed to be striving for. If I really wanted to win, I would have terminated Mr. Chamberlain as soon as I saw him. If I really wanted to own this federation and everyone in it, I would have already done so by now. But I'm just trying to get my life back on track after an unforeseen change of scenery, if you will. But I can't DO that, until I supposedly shut up the "Easy" one. You know, that guy who everyone loves, but no one knows well enough to feel that way about him.

The same guy who can barely keep his life together but can organize and dissect at will. A former gang member that seems to be the pride of his hometown. Granted, from what I've gathered, the man seems to be a walking contradiction.

There will be nothing 'Easy' about besting him. That's another reason why I hate words. Because when spoken by the right people, they're nothing but lies, much like this Chamberlain fellow seems to be. But the truth is always out there. Just have to know where to look.

But there's one thing I do like about words...they're magnetic. The first person to speak usually gets shot.

Makes my job easier. See you around, Mr. Chamberlain. I do hope you're as vocal then as were when you first addressed me.



There, I read your stupid note! Will you let me go now? Wait...P.S...

This message will self-destruct in five seconds...

What does that even mean?



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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  E-Zee Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:41 pm

Who am I, you ask?

Fine, let’s do this.


Take a Deep Breath.

It’s important that you maintain a regular rate of breath during the course of this thing.

My life, this isn’t a story. What I mean is, you aren’t hearing this for the sake of entertainment or empowerment or education. What you’re getting here is a record; A recollection; What’s that phrase? Just the facts, Ma’am.

Me? I’m just that one guy, the one whose looks roll your own eyes for you. White boy with damaged hair, talking with a lit cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. I’m the nightmare you don’t want your sons to become. But every box has its compartments; every shiny piece of shit little watch, its gizmos.

That’s just fine, love, that’s my M.O. Box me up, label me, have me figured you all you’d like, just like my long winded opponent before me. Just ask a zookeeper. How many times do you feel straight about leaving that cage open before you realize that fat captive tiger is still a jungle cat with all its teeth? I’m a black and white natural disaster given flesh. I don’t look good in living color, the scars are too vibrant, and I’ll never live long enough to be sepia toned.

I don’t have a career, I have a job. I’m not in training, class, or seminar. I’m not studying to become something else. Ask me what I do and I spit in your face. I’m indefinable. I don’t yearn to be noticed and I despise those who do. I’m not trying to lose weight, or quit smoking, or pull my life together and make it count for something in the world. I'm perfect. Always have been. If you can't see that, then you've got the problem. I’d tell you if you asked.

Do you get the picture yet? Do you know who I am? Of course not. Just know what not to expect. Look at the masses, each sniveling copy of something that was once awesome, cool, happenin’. I’m better than those guys…and that’s being generous…to me their just things.

My name’s Eddie. Eddie Chamberlain. I go by Easy. Not because I’m cool. Not because I’m a laidback. It’s because I go by Easy. You’ll fucking call me Easy when I say you will. I bet you’re trembling now. You’re even desperate enough to consider it a compliment, me even talking to you.

Alright, now let go.


I’m guessing you wished you had never asked.


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Join date : 2010-07-21

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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  E-Zee Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:16 pm

Westley McGreggor Vs. Orgullo

Molly Blake Vs. Richard Head

(P)Rick Ulysess Samson Sanderson Vs. Ken Richardson, M.D.

Eric Blackwater Vs. "Easy" Eddie Chamberlain

Main Event:
Itachi Kobayoshi Vs. Pepe Moran


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Join date : 2010-07-21

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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  DM Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:56 am

Westley McGreggor Vs. Orgullo

Molly Blake Vs. Richard Head

(P)Rick Ulysess Samson Sanderson Vs. Ken Richardson, M.D.

Eric Blackwater Vs. "Easy" Eddie Chamberlain

Main Event:
Itachi Kobayoshi Vs. Pepe Moran

It's a shame more people haven't promo'd yet.

Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-07-19
Age : 41
Location : Reading, UK

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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  M Chaos Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:26 pm

The Brotherhood is taking over! We are your masters, you insolent pigs! You will be thanking us if you become our minions!


Shut up Richard! Where was I?

Oh yes! The banner of the Together Demons is a banner that has been around for ages. Longer than the Templars! Longer than the Samurai! Longer than the...


Richard, if you interrupt my monologue again, I will pummel you with my dreaded yellow club!

You mean that wiffle ball bat?

It hurts a lot, get my drift? Any way...

Rick, the audience is...

SMACK! The scene starts in the middle of E3. Two men, P. Rick Ulysess Samson Sanderson and Richard Head are on a desolate stage. Sanderson is pummeling his Together Demon Brother, Richard Head, for seemingly interrupting his grand monologue that he is giving to the masses. In reality, Sanderson has been rambling like a mad man to no one in particular for five minutes.

P.Rick: What did I say about interrupting my grand monologue? You ruined my chance of mimicing my idol!

Richard: Hey! That wiffle ball bat really hurts! And I was trying to tell you had no audience. They left when those guys entered Comic Con.

P.Rick: Who stole our audience? Where are they?

Richard points to a group of WWE wrestlers who are attending E3 for promotion of the WWE's many wrestling games. At the lead are John Cena and Kofi Kingston.

P.Rick: We are being upstaged by wrestlers? Don't they know that we are...EVIL!

Richard: If I might say, I doubt dressing in an ascot, wearing penny loafers, and coming to this thing in a Miata signals evil to the people.

P.Rick:What does it signal, smart guy?

Richard: You're a douchebag?


P.Rick: You know what Richard, I think we should give those guys a peace of our minds! And if things get rough, we always have the evil ray gun. You did bring the evil ray gun, correct?

Richard: The Super Soaker 300 loaded with Paint? Yes I did.

P.Rick: It's a Evil Ray Gun! Don't call it the other thing!

Richard: Fine, but Rick, maybe we should plan on a contingency plan.

P.Rick: What do you mean?

Richard: Well, they are wrestlers and we, have no real formal fighting skills.

P.Rick: Who needs fighting skills when you have weapons and an awesome Mother Ship!

Random Guy: Who said the Mother Ship?

Holds hand up giving the Parliament Salute

Random Guy: MOTHER SHIP!

P.Rick: MOTHER SHIP! Anyway, what do you suggest?

Richard: I have this prototype that I have been working on. It can feed your neural cortex with any information or skill you want to learn instantly. It has been successful in the testing stages.

P.Rick: Testing it on Monkeys and the minions doesn't count.

Richard: Watch this, P.Rick.

Richard walks right up to a group representing Strikeforce. He nails one guy with a brutal Spinning Backfist, than takes out another guy charging at him with a Rydeen Bomb. Richard starts to celebrate and pose over his success, forgetting that there is one more guy. The guy clobbers him with a vicious right hand, than locks in a Kimura. P.Rick puts his hand over his face and walks slowly toward his downed partner. He takes the Super Soaker and sprays the guy in the face with paint. The guy yells at having paint in his eyes, only for P.Rick to kick the guy in the crotch, than hits him with the Super Soaker...erm Evil Ray Gun.

P.Rick: Well, until you decided to dance around like a goon, that worked pretty well. So show me how this device works.

Richard: Okay. First you take this device and put it at your temple. Than you pull the trigger.

P.Rick: Why does this look like a Walther PPK?

Richard: Opps. Wrong device. Give me that, please. It is loaded.

P.Rick: I should shoot you in the foot for that.

Richard: Okay, here is the device. What told you to do before, do so.

P.Rick pushes the button and goes into a trance. The device gives P.Rick options of what style he would like to incorporate based on height, weight and athleticism. Five minutes later, P.Rick is done with the transformation.

P.Rick: I don't feel any different. I don't look any different. Did it work?

Richard: I think you should march up to those wrestlers and find out. Plus let us knock the hat off of that silly dressed one. The one that looks like a muscle bound Vanilla Ice.

P.Rick: For the Together Demons!

Richard: Damn straight!

Both men walk confidently toward the WWE men. A number of Security guards are walking toward the heroic Together Demons, who quickly dispense of the meddlesome guards with an impressive array of techniques.

Cena: Damn dude. Did you have to kick that dude in the nads like that?

P.Rick: Is that not street? Kicking people in the nuts isn't what all the youngsters in the hood are doing?

Cena: What do you know about the hood?

P.Rick: About as much as you, Mean Street Posse Reject.

Cena: That's funny hearing that from someone looking like Carlton Banks.

Richard: Now now, let us handle this like gentlemen.

P.Rick: Agreed! Whip Battle on that Spiked Platform. The Hawkmen will make sure there are no shenanigans!

Richard: Sir, this is not the fight scene from “Flash Gordon”.

P.Rick: Oh. Right. How about this?

P.Rick throws a right hand at John Cena, who dodges the punch. Caesar instead connects with the approaching Big Show, stunning him for a brief second, making him drop his Cola. Big Show picks up P.Rick by the throat.

Big Show: You made me drop my Cola.

P.Rick: Shouldn't you be thanking me? Cola is not good for your health.

P.Rick and Richard don't remember the next two hours, but it was probably painful. They wake up in right next to there Secret Lair. A mysterious man is in the darkness.

Mysterious Man: You guys have some spunk, even if you aren't all there. And I see whatever contraption you have taught you how to wrestle. How would you like to join my promotion? EMPIRE!

Richard: Sounds menacing. What is in it for us?

P.Rick: Yes, what is in it for us?

Mysterious Man: A chance to show people why the Together Demons are the greatest brotherhood. Better than the Templars, Masons, and Stonecutters.

P.Rick: Those damn Stonecutters!

Mysterious Man: I may also need two evil thinking men helping me with problems down the road. What do you say?

Richard: Can we beat up whoever we want?

Mysterious Man: As long as the lawsuits are kept to a minimum, sure.

P.Rick: Can we make fun of ugly children and the elderly?

Mysterious Man: I encourage it.

Both: DEAL!

Mysterious Man: Good. Hover your Secret Lair to the Haymarket Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska. We are having our first show there. Prick...

P.Rick: It is P.Rick. The P is kind of silent.

Mysterious Man: Okay? Any way, you will face Ken Richardson MD.

P.Rick: Good, I hate physicians. Especially those that aren't accredited at the Evil Doctor College. Oxford! EMPIRE is our new home! We shall make our mark. Take over the world. Make people cry! MUHAHAHAHA!

The Together Demons will show the world what they stand for. We are a band of brothers that will do what is necessary to live to our creedo. Shakespeare said it best in King Henry the Fifth about how a Brotherhood is.

From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered,
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Together Demons day.

Henry V, Act 4 Scene 3 (With Slight Alteration)

We happy few. Shall triumph. And take over the world. One brick at a time. MUHAHAHAHAHA!

M Chaos

Posts : 14
Join date : 2010-07-04
Age : 40
Location : Allen, Tx

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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  M Chaos Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:29 pm

LIVE! From The Haymarket Arena in Lincoln, NE!
-Tonight's Card-


Molly Blake

(P)Rick Ulysess Samson Sanderson Vs. Ken Richardson, M.D.

Eric Blackwater

Main Event:
Itachi Kobayoshi Vs. Pepe Moran

M Chaos

Posts : 14
Join date : 2010-07-04
Age : 40
Location : Allen, Tx

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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  Ro Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:50 pm

People look at me different when I walk in the room. I don’t mind it because I’ve been getting stares ever since I got to the mainland from Guam, and I know they’re staring at me because I’m a little short. Well the truth is back at home I stand above average and that makes me feel good inside, it really does. I got stares when I walked into that gym because I know they didn’t think I would be big enough to be a rassler, but I just kept guys like Ki and Dragon in my head and I knew I was gonna be just fine. They put me through my paces and I came out fine and I got into the scene pretty quickly. You wouldn’t know how many Filipinos are in a California audience every time.

Now I ended up in EMPIRE and I think we’ll be the founding fathers of this federation and that is actually a most interesting concept to me. I never started something before and I’m only young and pretty new to the wrestling biz and if I play my cards right I might just end up being the face of this fed, but only right before I move to bigger things I suppose, that is, if this fed doesn’t become big itself before I do. I remember that phone call – I had only been wrestling for a year in California, but people knew me.



“What’s up, man?”

“Nothin’. much, just chillin’.”

“Great, just great. Got any bookings anytime soon? You signed a contract to any big feds at all lately?”

“I wish.”

“Good, we got a deal for you.”

“I’m listening.”

“There’s this new fed starting up, you wanna be on it?”

“You know I’m down for anywhere.”

“You wanna kick people’s shit in don’tcha?”

“Damn right I do.”

“Good, good. So it’s gonna be called EMPIRE and it’ll be touring depending on the season. Up north in the summer and a little more southern when it gets colder. Dig that?”

“I don’t mind.”

“Good, good, good. The pay’s okay, they think they got some hot shit on their hands so they think it might just be the next big thing. I dunno. Let’s meet up soon and I’ll introduce you to the guys running it.”

“Sure, works for me.”

“You rarely ever talk much, do you? I’ll see you later.”

“Later, man.”

And that was that, the rest was history. I got in EMPIRE and we’re about to do the first show. They put me on the card against a Jap and even though it’s been sixty years and we don’t call them Japs anymore or at all, even, I can sit back and laugh at the irony of pitting a Filipino guy against a Japanese guy, and it’s all good. Some people might use that as some sort of manner to market the match but I won’t mind. I’ll just go out there and kick his head in.


Posts : 58
Join date : 2010-07-03
Age : 34
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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  Ro Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:54 pm

Westley McGreggor Vs. Orgullo

Molly Blake Vs. Richard Head

(P)Rick Ulysess Samson Sanderson Vs. Ken Richardson, M.D.

Eric Blackwater Vs. "Easy" Eddie Chamberlain

Main Event:
Itachi Kobayoshi Vs. Pepe Moran


Posts : 58
Join date : 2010-07-03
Age : 34
Location : Philippines


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EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread Empty Re: EMPIRE 1: Kobayoshi Vs. Moran Voting and Promo Thread

Post  EB4 Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:08 pm


Molly Blake


Eric Blackwater

Main Event:
Pepe Moran


Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-07-05

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